vesta [mit.]

listen to the pronunciation of vesta [mit.]
التركية - الإنجليزية
{i} Vesta
A female given name in occasional use
The Roman equivalent of the Greek goddess Hestia
The fourth asteroid discovered
In Roman religion, the goddess of the hearth, identified with the Greek Hestia. Because maintaining a hearth fire was important in ancient times, she was worshiped in every household. Her state worship was elaborate: her temple in Rome had a perpetual fire that was attended by the Vestal Virgins. The fire was officially extinguished and renewed annually on March 1st; its extinction at any other time was viewed as a portent of disaster to Rome
the Roman equivalent of the Greek Hestia
{i} goddess of the hearth and its sacred fire (Roman Mythology); brightest asteroid and the fourth to be discovered (Astronomy)
vesta [mit.]